Reason to study in Singapore

Singapore is a beautiful country with great diversity, it is an island city-state off southern Malaysia, and it is a global financial center with a tropical climate and multicultural population. It’s a financial center, an achievement in urban planning, and serves as a model for developing nations. It’s also one of our most popular travel destinations! Plus it’s one of the most developed countries in the world, with an HDI of 9.
HDI is Human Development Index it’s a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development.


The climatic condition in Singapore is pretty the same in all the months. It has a tropical rainforest climate with no distinctive seasons. The temperature does not vary much and ranges from 22 degrees Celsius to 35 degrees. This moderate climate is conducive to living. It is a green city with the highest area under a cover of trees in spite of its urbanization, which is the best a part of a developing country. The moderate climate throughout the year makes it an attractive destination for students across the world and it’s very pleasant.


Most of the time students face language difficulty when they go to study abroad. Singapore is an English speaking country. Although four official languages are there in Singapore i.e. English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. English is the medium of instruction in all public schools. As most of the population knows English, it makes Singapore an extremely student-friendly country for students all over the world as there won’t be any language issue for international students.


As we all know Singapore has a plethora of good universities, with 6 of its public universities among the top 20 in the world which itself states that the education sector of the country is commendable. It is said to be the most “technology-ready nation” in the world. The education is supported by the latest technology which makes the education cutting edge and at par with the education available anywhere in the world. The top-notch infrastructure of its universities makes students fascinated about the country and is a great option for students to take Singapore into consideration.


The major concern everyone faces is the safety and security issues, if they are going abroad for studies, travel or for work purpose. Singapore is said to be the smartest and safest country in the world. It imposes a heavy fine on people who litter it. It offers the best quality of life in Asia and 6th best in the world. Singapore has a very good system of public transport in place. Private vehicles are not encouraged and car buyers are required to pay a heavy-duty. Also, Singapore has the lowest crime rates in the world because of severe penalties which are imposed by the Government.


Singapore’s economy is on healthy growth-path, it has a highly developed market economy. The country has a GDP of $296.642 billion. It has the 3rd highest GDP per capita in the world. Singapore’s economy has been ranked as the most open in the world, 3rd least corrupt, most pro-business, with low tax rates. It also has one of the least unemployment rates in the world. Roughly 44 percent of the Singaporean workforce is made up of non-Singaporeans, which means that students after completing their education here can join the workforce as per the country policies. The world bank has named Singapore as the easiest place in the world to do business.
Those who are planning to study abroad and is hell confused among the top most popular countries in the world, then you have Singapore as a great option and all the factors mentioned above can be taken into consideration. Be it weather conditions, economic growth, safety & security or language issue, you won’t find anything bad or worthless. In fact, 9% of the total population consists of Indians & people easily adapt themselves to the nature and the culture of the country.

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